It's not a love story
It's a story about love

Story line nya yang tidak terlalu cepat membuat kita bisa menikmati film ini dengan maksimal. Setidaknya begitulah yang gue rasakan. Bukan sembarang film cinta yang kacangan, adegan per adegan yang ditata asik dan artistik ini enak banget dah buat ditonton.
Mungkin kalo model ceritanya sih agak-agak familiar ya, bukan yang asli fresh dari kulkas sih bukan.. Malah gue baca di kaskus ada yang tidur pas nonton film ini gara-gara katanya bosen -____- dia kaga tau 'beauty of a film' kali ya, kalo mau yang beralur cepet nonton aja gih sono The Notebook. Wuahahaha. But I prefer this one.

Dia cewek yang bebas dan bener-bener menikmati hidup, kalo dia mau sama cowok itu ya dia bakal jadi dekeeett banget, lebih deket dari 'temen' tapi tetep aja, jangan harap dia mau jadi pacar si cowok. Maybe we can say, free-spirited girl?

we are just friend
(click to enlarge)
When I was in junior high school, I remember someone (probably in an english course) said to me like this,
Q: How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?
me: Nope
Q: Yeah I can see you're not that type of person
me: hemm?
Q: You're a free spirit girl, you don't want to be bothered with boys thing, just want to live free.
me: yeah you're right
Q: like a bird
me: hahaha yes yes (why must bird?)

Rachel Hansen: Tom, I know you think she was the one, but I don't. Next time you look back, I think you should look again.
Back to the film, selain akting yang mantap, si Joseph Gordon-Levitt bikin kita cuci mata abis bo'. Yes super cute of him! Love everything in this film lah. For your information, (500) days of summer dapet score 8,1 lho di imdb. Sooo what are you waiting people?

Tom: What happens when you fall in love?
Summer: You believe in that?
Tom: It's love, it's not Santa Claus.
Summer: You believe in that?
Tom: It's love, it's not Santa Claus.
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