Toto: "mm.. Jack? what are you doin?"
Jeko: "tell me, am I not your friend?"
Toto: "yeah you are my friend of course"
Jeko: "then I'm goin to protect you so nobody could hurt you"
Toto: ??? "I guess nobody would hurt me in a costume like this"
Jeko: "you never knew! tell me, am I your best friend?"
Toto: "mm.. yeah of course"
Jeko: "then I need no doubt giving my life for you if anything bad happen"
Oh god, kemaren gue kacau banget. Tengah malem saat orang di rumah pada tidur gue malah nangis-nangis. I just need someone to be with. I daydreamed about my friends, friends of mine from elementary, from junior highschool, from senior highschool, all of them! daydreamed about great memories we had, about many things we'd been through. and I felt that I miss them all soooo baaaaadd. But it seemed like they were thousand miles from here. And I was profoundly alone.
I always wanted more from you
than you were willing to give;
So now we've gone our separate ways
each with different lives to live.
The bond will always be there
the friendship always intact;
But the time for us has come and gone
and the pages of time, you can't turn back.
I will always be a friend to you
and wonder how you are;
The smiles and laughter I will remember
and our fights have become painless scars.
Sometimes on those busy days
when you've a thousand things to do;
Please let me glide slowly through your mind
and spend some time with you.
In that quiet moment
when you're surprised to find me there;
Just remember even with the distance between us
I am still someone who cares.
(by judy burnette)
hey friends, i'm missing you like hell
Gue gak suka sendirian. Seenggaknya kalo adek gue masih belom tidur gue gak bakal nangis-nangis kayak gini. Heran juga sebenernya, gue paling gak tenang malem-malem masih idup sendiri gini. Gimana kalo ntar gue kuliah ngekost ya? Nangis kesepian mulu bisa-bisa.. I could cry to death everynight ckck lebay. Tenang saja, gue gak sering kok nangis-nangis gak jelas kayak kemaren. Biasanya kalo udah gitu gue langsung smsin temen-temen gue. Yang masih idup paling cuma fira doang, sisanya pada bales pas pagi-pagi dengan panik, contohnya si ditut, dia langsung beli pulsa dan ngira gue kena penyakit sejenis stressnya marshanda -__-
Tapi gue lagi seneng kok sebenernya, soalnya gue udah baikan sama firaa yeeey! Entah berantem berapa lama (kayaknya sih 2 mingguan) pokoknya sampe gue kangen parah deh, padahal masalahnya yaa sepele. Dan pas baikan, gue lega banget sebanget-bangetnya lega. Mana pake acara nangis-nangis pula, gue berbakat kali bikin orang nangis zz.
Kemaren-kemarennya, si fathcong juga nangis. Kaget sumpah, orang gue lagi ngajak ngobrol biasa di luar kelas, tiba-tiba dia meluk gue sambil nangis tersedu. Baru pertama kali gue ngeliat dia nangis beneran.
Si indah juga nangis pas kemarennya lagi, gara-garanya sewaktu smsan sama gue malem-malem, gue mengatakan something yang bikin dia gak bales sms gue lagi. Besoknya dia bilang ke gue kalo dia nangis kemaren gara-gara balesan sms gue, yang bikin dia mikir "ghea kok gitu sih bales smsnya" dan nangis deh.. tuh kan gue berbakat banget bikin orang nangis. Damn it. Gue gak peka banget sih jadi orang.
Sedikitpun gue gak pernah ada perasaan mau nyakitin temen-temen gue. The only thing I want to say is 'forgive me my friends, I'm really sorry about things I said or I did to you. I loveee you, and I really need you all, please never leave me, I hate to be alone"
Hari Jumat gue kerumah ditut. Kita beneran nonton video marshanda yang lagi nyanyi-nyanyi stress sendiri, terus sama yang dia nangis-nangis gak jelas.
ditut: "tuh ghe si marshanda stress"
gue: "gilee lebay amat sampe diupload ke youtube"
ditut: "ghe lo jangan sampe stress kayak gitu lho"
gue: "ya kagalah monyong!!!!!!"
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