Jumat, November 7

The Coastal Life And The 'Real' Life

For the last few days, I've been thinking about many things. life. school. friends. family. everything. and also nothing. Yes i love my life. yes i love go to school. yes i love my friends and of course i love my family. I'm in the middle of crowd. but sometimes there is something that made me feel empty. god. in all lovely days You gave to me. what else do i need? maybe some gratefulness? god. if life is just a dream. than give the most wondrous ever of Your's.

Talkin about dreams. One day I will visit all the beautiful beaches over the world. Gue cinta pantai. Gue selalu memimpikan bisa hidup along the seashore. Entah, gue merasa damai walau cuma membayangkannya doang.

I want to swing and feel the wind breezing on my face.
I need no worry if I am going to fall.
causeI don't mind to swim in the smooth clear turquoise water.
I love the way it touch my skin.

I want to feel rough sand in my feet while I am exploring the island.
I will find the hidden cave. I will find some pirates treasures.

I want to look at the sky when the sunset appearing between the great rocks.
I want to hear the birds twittering around it.

I want to wake up when the sun rising at the horizon.
I want to start the day with a pleasant heart.

I want to leyeh-leyeh.
And forget all things about the 'real world' just for a while.

Ahhhh gue pengen jadi fotografer khusus pantai ! Kan biar gue bisa pergi ke pantai yang berbeda kapan aja gue mau.


Akhir-akhir ini gue agak aneh. Gue gak kehilangan semangat sih enggak. Gue tetep semangat kok dimana pun kapan pun. Gue juga gak lagi sedih. Aneh aja, gue gak ngerasa apa-apa. Feeling nothing. Sebernernya gue idup gak sih?? hahaha *ketawa datar*.

Gue berpikir apa yang menyebabkan gue jadi kayak gini. Kayaknya gara-gara internet deh (nyalahin gitu). Yes it's so addicting. Dan karena keterusan main, gue sampe gak punya waktu buat menata 'mimpi-mimpi' gue. Aduh. ilang dimana sih mimpi-mimpi penyemarak hidup gue? Gue kehilangan arah.
So, Where is... me?

Daripada maen mulu, gue kayaknya mesti meluangkan waktu buat baca buku nih. Untuk memperkaya inspirasi dan menambah semangat supaya hidup gue semakin 'hidup'. hahaha. Kebetulan bokap gue minggu lalu pulang dari Amrik bawa oleh-oleh buku banyak abis. Gue sampe bingung mau baca yang mana dulu hehe.
  1. Ada Dune-nya Frank Herbert (ini genre nya sci-fi gitu),
  2. Robot Visions dan
  3. Foundation nya Isaac Asimov (ini juga sci-fi),
  4. trus ada To Kill A Mockingbird-nya Harper Lee,
  5. belom lagi ditambah buku Literature Guide nya,
  6. trus ada juga The Old Man And The Sea-nya Ernest Hemingway.
Robot Visions,
covernya keren haha.

To Kill a Mockingbird,
wajah anak kecilnya kok familiar yaa.. -.-

Huahaha. Trus juga ada majalah 'Asian Geo Passport' sama 'Ritual Fotografi' edisi spesial dari Foto Video. Oh iya kalo komik ada 'Quantum: Rock Of Ages' yang menanti untuk disentuh. buset banyak kerjaan dah gue..

Ritual Fotografi,
bagus banget ini majalah walaupun gue baru baca dikit.

Oh iya, akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk baca To Kill a Mockingbird dulu haha.
NB: sori kalo bahasa inggrisnya jelekan. hehe gue ngasal sih.. yang penting nulis! ya gak? haha